3rd Quarterly Report 2020
The GGR for the quarter was € 197.17 million, which implies a decline of -5.59% quarter over quarter and a rise of 2.83% year over year.
Regarding the rest of the main figures, deposits and withdrawals of the players, their variation rates increase in relation to the previous quarter, 11.85% and 16.72% respectively. Marketing expenditure undergoes a strong growth of 269.49% quarter over quarter and new accounts experiences an increase both with respect to the same quarter of the previous year, 139.44%, and with respect the previous quarter, with the detail shown in Table 1.
In the analysis of the GGR by game segments it is observed that:
The € 197.17 million of GGR are distributed among € 85.23 million in Betting (43.22%); € 3.89 million in Bingo (1.97%); € 83.89 million in Casino (42.55%); € 1.15 million in Contests (0.58%) and € 23.01 million in Poker (11.67%).
The betting segment has a increasing rate of 25.06% quarter over quarter and a decreasing rate of -15.43% year over year. There is a rise of 32.63% in pre-match and 31.89% in In-played sportsbook with respect to the previous quarter. In this quarter “other betting” and “horse betting” have decreased -18.06% and -175.95% respectively
Bingo has experienced a fall of -22.86% quarter over quarter and a growth of 22.58% year over year.
In the casino segment there has been a decline of -10.31% quarter over quarter and an annual variation rate of 25.98%. Roulette, Live roulette and Slots are the games with strongest fall, -28.55%, -16.80% and -3.99%, respectively. In this quarter, it is observed that market share of casino is slightly lower than betting (see Table 2).
The contests experienced a decline of -70.62% in this quarter and a growth of 58.38% in the annual variation rate. This segment continues an irregular behaviour with annual variation rates in the third quarter of 25.51% in 2017; -85.02% in 2018; 128.23% in 2019.
The poker presents a decrease of -39.76% over the previous quarter and an increase of 12.36% year over year. The fall is in both poker cash and poker tournament, -48.58% and -35.41% quarter over quarter respectively.
As a summary, the percentage distribution of the GGR for the different segments in this quarter of the period from 2017 to 2020 is shown in Table 2.
Marketing spending has been € 150.09 million in the last quarter. It may be broken down into € 9.36 million affiliation expenses; € 6.53 million sponsorship; promotions € 82.38; and advertising € 51.83 million. There has been a significant variation of 269.49% quarter over quarter, motivated by the revocation of restrictions in advertisement and promotions of gambling, from April 4th to June 10th, established in the article 37 of the Royal Decree Law 11/2020, of March 31th, adopting additional urgent measures in the areas of employment and economics to deal with the COVID-19 crisis. It is observed the increase of advertising (201.97%) and promotions (560.34%), once the
The monthly average of active game accounts is 881.755, which implies a rise of 37.14% quarter over quarter and 1.40% year over year. The monthly average of the new game accounts is 330.262, with an increase of 139.44% and 29.88% quarter over quarter.
For this quarter, there are 80 licensed operators and the number of active operators by segment is:
- Betting: 46
- Bingo: 3
- Casino: 51
- Contests: 2
- Poker: 9