Non-reserved online gambling
Legal Notice

The Directorate General for the Regulation of Gambling provides access to statistics on the non-reserved online gambling market. The data come from various sources.

1. Information quality

The data included have undergone quality control. Without prejudice to the above, in some cases the information may diverge or fluctuations in the gambling market may require it to be updated.
The user expressly accepts this fact and the possibility of divergence from real data in the information provided.
The Directorate General for the Regulation of Gambling reserves the right to make changes as appropriate, without prior notice, to correct, amend or update any aspect of the content in order to provide the most reliable information as possible.
Users are responsible for their use of this information, and are exclusively liable for damages to third parties which might arise from it.

2. Information availability

The Directorate General for the Regulation of Gambling accepts no liability for the availability of the server providing the information.

3. Use of cookies

The website providing the information may contain cookies or similar software to permit or facilitate browsing, which are not used to identify individual users.

4. Reuse of information

Information originating from the Directorate General for the Regulation of Gambling may be reused under the following conditions:

  • The content of the information must not be altered.
  • The sense or meaning of the information must not be distorted.
  • The source of the information must be cited.
  • The date the information was updated must be cited, if available at the original source.
  • It must not be indicated, insinuated or suggested that the Directorate General for the Regulation of Gambling participates, supports or sponsors the use made of the information.
  • All metadata on the date the dataset was updated and applicable conditions for reuse must be kept intact.
  • The Directorate General for the Regulation of Gambling accepts no liability for how users or agents use the information, nor for any loss and/or damages caused by the reuse of information.

The usage licence is governed by Spanish law, regardless of the user's jurisdiction. Any dispute that may arise in the interpretation of this agreement will be resolved in the courts of Spain.
Any queries or comments on the content of this server must be sent to the General Subdirectorate for Inspection of the Directorate General for the Regulation of Gambling.
Directorate General for the Regulation of Gambling. C/ Atocha, 3.??? 28012 Madrid. Telephone: 915714080

Date of query: 09/05/2017

Last updated:?09/05/2017

Detailed Online Gambling Market data

Legal Notice