National online gambling market
National online gambling market - Annual evolution

Publication of the?annual report on national online gambling market 2020. This report, a compendium of the quarterly online gambling reports published by the DGOJ, is a step prior to the publication of the Spanish Gambling Market Data.

The GGR of 2020 was € 850.78 million, up 13.70% year over year.

Deposits and withdrawals maintains an upward trend, with an increase of 19.48% and 21.10% year over year respectively.

Marketing expenditure of 2020 was € 462.12 million, up 24.23% with respect to the previous year. Promotions have increased 52.94%; Advertising, 9.14%; Sponsorship, 28.78%; Affiliates decreases -2.15%.

The active gamblers were 1,481,804; up to 8.36% year over year.

In the analysis of the GGR by game segments, it is noticed that:

The € 850.78 million of GGR are distributed in € 365.14 million in Betting (42.92%); € 16.52 million in Bingo (1.94%); € 350.80 million in Casino (41.23%), € 8.01 million in Contests (0.94%) and € 110,3 million in Poker (12.96%).

The betting segment had a decreasing rate of -3.48% year over year. The decline was due to both, in-played sportbetting, -4.57% year over year, and pre-match bettings, -2.66%. In 2020, there was a significant rise of 80% in other bettings, which represents a 2.25% of the segment.

Bingo has growth 30.16% with respect to the previous year.

In casino segment there was a growth of 28.39% year over year. This growth was mainly due to the slots. ?Since its launch in 2015 slots has led to increasingly higher market shares of the casino. In 2020 slots represents 55.91% of the casino segment, up 24.90% year over year. Life Roulette also grew significantly, 62.21%. Conventional Roulette decreased -6.85%. BlackJack and Baccarat had annual rates of 4.99% and -14.46% respectively.

The contests experienced in 2020 a leap of 191.88%.

The poker presents substantial rise of 35.72% year over year, due to Poker Tournament (45.30%) which represents 69.33% of the segment. Poker cash had a rise of 18.13% with regard to 2019 and represent 30.67% of the poker market.

It should be noted that since the opening ?in 2018 of share liquidity for poker with France and Portugal, five platforms have been located in Spain.

Marketing spending in 2020 has leapt up to € 462.12 million, broken down into € 38.51 million affiliation expenses; € 26.64 million sponsorship; promotions € 197.26; and advertising € 199.71 million.

The monthly average of active game accounts is 871,829; which implies a decline of -3.48% with respect to 2019. The monthly average of the new game accounts is 288,532; with an annual increase of 8.52%.

In 2020 there were two relevant events, both related with advertising and promotions of gambling activities:

1.- From April 4th to June 10th there was a strong restriction of all kinds of advertising and promotions, stated in article 37 of Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, adopting urgent additional measures in the social and economic sphere to confront COVID-19[1].

2.- Approval of Royal Decree 958/2020, of 3 November, on commercial communications of the gambling activities[2]


[1] “Articulo? 37. Medidas de restricción a las comunicaciones comerciales de las entidades que realicen una actividad de juego regulada en la Ley 13/2011, de 27 de mayo, de regulación del juego.

1. Las medidas previstas en este artículo se aplican a todas las entidades que desarrollen una actividad de juego incluida en el ámbito de aplicación de la Ley 13/2011, de 27 de mayo, de regulación del juego.

2. A efectos de lo previsto en este artículo, se entiende por comunicaciones comerciales cualquier forma de actividad publicitaria difundida por cualquier medio o soporte, destinada a promocionar, de manera directa o indirecta, las actividades de juego definidas en el ámbito de aplicación de la Ley 13/2011, de 27 de mayo, o las entidades que las realizan.

3. Se prohíben las comunicaciones comerciales que, de forma implícita o expresa, hagan referencia a la situación de excepcionalidad que deriva de la enfermedad COVID-19 o interpelen al consumo de actividades de juego en este contexto.

4. Durante el tiempo de vigencia de la declaración del estado de alarma realizada por el Real Decreto 463/2020, de 14 de marzo, las entidades referidas en el apartado 1 no podrán realizar las siguientes actuaciones:

a) Actividades de promoción dirigidas a la captación de nuevos clientes o de fidelización de clientes existentes que recojan cuantías económicas, bonos, bonificaciones, descuentos, regalos de apuestas o partidas, multiplicadores de cuotas o premios o cualquier otro mecanismo similar.

b) Emisión de comunicaciones comerciales en los servicios de comunicación audiovisual referidos en el artículo 2.2 de la Ley 7/2010, de 31 de marzo, General de la Comunicación Audiovisual, incluidos los servicios a petición cuando aquellas sean distinguibles y separables, excepto en la franja horaria comprendida entre la 1 y las 5 de la ma?ana.

c) Emisión de comunicaciones comerciales que se comercialicen, vendan u organicen por prestadores de servicios de intercambio de vídeos a través de plataformas definidos como tales en la Directiva (UE) 2018/1808 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 14 de noviembre de 2018, por la que se modifica la Directiva 2010/13/UE sobre la coordinación de determinadas disposiciones legales, reglamentarias y administrativas de los Estados miembros relativas a la prestación de servicios de comunicación audiovisual, excepto en la franja horaria comprendida entre la 1 y las 5 de la ma?ana.

d) Emisión de comunicaciones comerciales en servicios de la sociedad de la información (incluidas comunicaciones individualizadas en correos electrónicos o medios equivalentes y redes sociales).?

5. El incumplimiento de cualquiera de las obligaciones establecidas en este artículo tendrá la consideración de infracción grave a los efectos de lo dispuesto la Ley 13/2011, de 27 de mayo, de regulación del juego.


[2] ?The transitional regime and the entry into force of the royal decree will take place during 2021

  • Restrictions on promotions will come into force on 1st May, as well as the restrictions applicable to advertising in Websites and apps and search engines.
  • Until August 30th, 2021, it will be possible to do advertisement through audiovisual communication service provider based in contracts signed prior to the entry into force of Royal Decree 958/2020, of November 3.



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